Minimally important difference (MID)

Nan Luo (National University of Singapore) will cover the fundamentals of Minimally Important Difference (MID). Nick Bansback (University of British Columbia) will share the application of MID in clinical trials and health interventional studies. Fatima Al Sayah (University of Alberta) will share about the status of MID in EQ-5D, its interpretation and use, and future…

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EQ-5D-Y-5L psychometric properties and value preferences on health gains for children and adolescents

Jiabi Wen (University of Alberta) will share what she has learned about psychometric properties of the EQ-5D-Y-5L in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Ashwini De Silva (The University of Melbourne) will present her work on understanding people’s views on the relative value of health gains for children, adolescents and young adults compared to adults. After…

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Mapping EQ-5D-5L in dementia and translating EQ-5D-3L into Krio

Hannah Hussain (University of Sheffield) will present her research on mapping a combined EQ-5D-5L utility score in dementia patients by integrating self- and proxy-reports. Daniel Youkee (King’s College London) will share what he has learned when applying an equivalence framework to translate the EQ-5D-3L into Krio in Sierra Leone. After their brief presentations, they will…

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Measuring Carer Outcomes using the EQ-5D

This Core Knowledge Panel starts with an introduction to carer outcomes and its measurement by Lidia Engel (Monash University). After this overview, Jan Faller (Monash University) will present a review of EQ-5D validation studies in informal carers as well as their own psychometric findings. Valeriia Sokolova (Monash University) will present psychometric evidence collected from informal carers of persons living with dementia.…

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Measurement, Bolt-ons, and Translations

This Core Knowledge Panel (90 min) starts with an introduction to measurement by Brendan Mulhern (University of Technology Sydney), who chairs the Descriptive System Working Group. After this overview, Fanni Rencz (Corvinus University of Budapest) will introduce the concept of bolt-ons (items that supplement the EQ-5D-5L) and Michael Herdman (National University of Singapore) will introduce the translation process. Yifan Ding (Erasmus MC), Aiping Chua (National…

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EQ-5D-Y Indonesia and the Drop-down Method 

Titi Sahidah Fitriana (Erasmus University) will present her studies bringing EQ-5D-Y as a ready to used instrument in Indonesia. Xin Zhang (University Medical Center Groningen) will present a new drop-down method in preference-based health-outcome measurement. After their brief presentations (15 minutes each), they will answer questions from discussants Michael Herdman (National University of Singapore) and Paul Schneider (University of Sheffield) as well as attendees.

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Health Valuation and the EQ-VT 

This Core Knowledge Panel (90 min) starts with an introduction to health valuation by Michał Jakubczyk (SGH Warsaw School of Economics), who chairs the Valuation Working Group. After this overview, Juan Manuel Ramos Goñi (Maths in Health) will describe the EQ-VT valuation protocol. Jonathan Nazari and Rachel Lee-Yin Tan (Network members) will narrate their first hand experiences as EQ-VT interviewers and serve as discussants. After these presentations, attendees will…

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EQ-5D-5L in RCTs and in comparison with EQ-HWB

Jiajun Yan (McMaster University) will present statistical methods for analyzing EQ-5D-5L data in randomized clinical trials. Maja Kuharic (University of Illinois at Chicago) will compare EQ-HWB/EQ-HWB-S with the EQ-5D-5L and other preference-based measures among US informal caregivers. After their brief presentations (15 minutes each), they will answer questions from discussants Yan Feng and Tessa Peasgood (Group members) as well as attendees (~30…

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EQ-5D clinical dashboards and EQ-HWB DCE

At this Student Research Webinar (60 min), Anja Yvonne Bischof (University of St. Gallen, St. Gallen, Switzerland) will present her recent research on the inclusion of the EQ-5D on clinical dashboards in combination with disease-specific patient-reported outcomes measures. Haode Wang (University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom) will present on DCE valuation of the EQ-HWB descriptive system in UK and…

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Choice analysis in health valuation

At this Student Research Webinar (60 min), Maksat Jumamyradov (University of South Florida, Tampa, USA) will present his three recent papers on choice analysis in health valuation, describing biases in conditional and mixed logit estimates when preferences are heterogeneous. After his presentation (30 minutes), he will answer questions from David Mott (OHE, London, UK) and Yiting Luo (Centre for Health Economics…

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