What members do

Members of the of the EuroQol Group Association (“EuroQol Group”) all share an interest in improving decisions about health and health care throughout the world by developing, promoting and supporting the use of instruments with the widest possible applicability for the measurement and valuation of health. This is our Vision.

As EuroQol is an international organisation, members can be found on all continents. The membership is quite diverse, with members coming from various research areas such as medical sciences, population health, psychology, (health) economics and econometrics. Members are typically mid- and late career scientists working at universities, HTA agencies, health economics and outcomes research consultancies and pharmaceutical companies.

Membership is intended for those actively supporting the work of the EuroQol Group through their involvement in research and development related to EuroQol agendas. Many EuroQol members are active in the organization and support the Group by standing for election to the Board, Executive, or other committees within the organization.  

We have an established membership process for identifying and selecting new members.  Membership is based on a number of criteria, with a focus on presenting work at previous Plenary meetings and the development of some relevant research ideas. See here if you are considering becoming a EuroQol member.

Last update: Feb 15, 2024