The Stichting EuroQol Research Foundation has been granted the status of Charitable Institution, in Dutch Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling (ANBI), since January 1st, 2014. Shown below is information that an ANBI should make public. Please contact us if you have questions, or require more information.
Name | Stichting EuroQol Research Foundation |
RSIN | 804679101 |
Address | Marten Meesweg 107 3068 AV Rotterdam |
Telephone | +31 882026890 |
EuroQol User Information Service | |
Board members | See webpage board |
Our Aims are in keeping with our Mission and Vision:
- Provide an integrated suite of instruments for measuring and valuing health across the lifespan
- Lead research, development and innovation to advance the measurement of health
- Foster and promote research excellence in health valuation methods
- To ensure all users of our instruments receive timely professional support
- Maintain, expand and demonstrate our contributions to the achievement of social good
- Increase our international reach and relevance
Policy Plan
Click here for our policy plan.
For the ANBI form, in Dutch only, see here.
Financial policy
- The Foundation does not have an aim for profit.
- The capital of the Foundation is formed by subsidies, gifts, bequests and other income. The Foundation receives financial support by means of sponsorship/ license income from commercial parties active in the development of drugs or medical devices. The Foundation requests a modest contribution to the costs of the development of the instruments when these are used in work that will not result in scientific publications in the public domain. No contribution is expected from EQ-5D use by non-commercial parties.
- In 2021 the Board of the Foundation approved the current investment policy. Please click here for the current version.
- The Foundation’s capital is used to finance scientific research studies and necessary software, an annual scientific congress and other scientific meetings and other costs of the Foundation, such as personnel costs.
- The members of the Board will not be remunerated for their activities.
- Personnel working for the Foundation are remunerated in line with the collective labour agreement aligned with Dutch Universities.
The Treasurer of the Board of the Foundation will present at least a balance sheet and the statement of income and expenses within 4 months after the financial year has ended on June 30th at the general assembly meeting of the EuroQol Group.
For the Balance sheet and the Statement of income and expenditure please see the Annual Report.
Annual report
For the annual report please click here.

Last update: Dec 16, 2024