Guidelines for applicants


The EuroQol Research Foundation intends to fund high quality research that is of scientific and strategic interest to the EuroQol Group and its members. The Foundation invites applications for funding by its competitive research funding programs that are open twice a year.

Working Groups (WGs) have been set up to support the research agenda outlined by the Executive Committee. The WGs are appointed by the Executive Committee to foster research within their remit, which can be found one the Working Groups page.

Proposals that seek to address one or more specific aims of the WGs will be considered for funding, but strategic priorities will influence decisions. The WGs continuously review coverage of their aims by the current research portfolio and continuously identify the most relevant priority areas.

Who can submit?

The EuroQol Research Foundation accepts proposals that are submitted by research teams or individual researchers affiliated to different institutions/organisations (Universities, NGOs, companies, etc.). The Principal investigator does not need to be a EuroQol member, but at least one EuroQol member has to be involved in the project as co-investigator.

What research topics are suitable for funding?

All researchers are strongly encouraged to contact the relevant WG Chair to discuss plans for proposals, to ensure alignment with ongoing and planned research, and alignment with the research objectives of the WG and the ongoing Call for Proposals. If you would like input or have questions about the preparation of your proposal, please email the relevant WG contact [link to WG page], or for general questions, contact the Grants Management team at

When can I submit?

Twice a year the Executive Committee issues a Call for Proposals, with two funding rounds (open from February/March – April and August/September – October) highlighting the current research priorities. Applications for funding can be submitted at any time, but are encouraged for submission when a funding round is open.

What types of grants are offered?

EuroQol can offer a variety of grant types, listed below. The availability of the types of grants offered may vary from one call to the next. The [link]budget guidelines specify which costs can be included (personnel costs, data acquisition costs, material costs, dissemination costs, etc), the appropriate rates and how the budgets should be presented.

Parent categorySubcategory
Research grants1.1 Regular research project
1.2 Valuation study
1.3 Seed grants
Individual grants2.1 PHD grant
2.2 Postdoctoral grant (currently not available)
2.3 Travel grant
Dissemination and knowledge transfer3.1 Education and outreacht project
3.2 Open Acces fee reimbursement
Large scale investments (XL grants)4.1 Program of work in any stategically relevant topic area

More detailed information will be listed in the active Call for Proposals under [link] funding rounds. If you have any questions on the review process or submission deadlines you can send an email to the grants management team (

Last update: Sep 2, 2024