EuroQol Webinar: DCE with duration – towards a new valuation protocol

This webinar provides an overview of past and current research that has been conducted to develop a new valuation protocol using DCE only, that will exist in parallel to the EQ-VT protocol. Special attention will be paid to the final steps that are currently being undertaken to launch a valuation protocol that uses DCE with a duration attribute.

Speaker: Bram Roudijk, PhD, EuroQol Research Foundation, Netherlands

Speaker: Marcel Jonker, PhD, Erasmus School of Health Policy and Management, Netherlands

The views expressed in this webinar do not necessarily reflect the views of the EuroQol Group. If you have concerns about the content, feel free to contact the speakers or the Education and Outreach Working Group.


Date: October 2, 2024

Time: 4:00 pm

Type: Webinar

Location: Zoom Webinar