What is a minimally important difference (MID)? Does it have a role for EQ-5D instruments?
Despite ongoing concerns about the use of the minimally important difference (MID) – particularly in relation to EQ-5D index scores – the concept remains widely adopted in research and practice. In this webinar, Nan Luo (National University of Singapore) will provide an overview of MIDs and offer insights into current perspectives on their use; Nick Bansback (University of British Columbia) will explore both the use and misuse of MIDs in clinical trials and health intervention studies; and Fatima Al Sayah (University of Alberta) will present findings from a comprehensive review of EQ-5D-based MIDs, and highlight methodological challenges in the estimation and use of these estimates. The session will also cover the role of MIDs, potential alternatives, and future directions in the field. Following the presentations, a Q&A session will be held with Peiwen Jiang (University of Technology Sydney) and Xin Zhang (National University of Singapore) and the audience.