Our Monthly Scientific Selection: February Publications on EuroQol Instruments #2
Open Call for Abstracts: 42nd EuroQol Plenary 2025
Our Monthly Scientific Selection: January Publications on EuroQol Instruments #1
Meeting of EQ-5D researchers in the UK and Ireland
Following the success of the first meeting, the second meeting of EQ-5D researchers in the UK and Ireland will be held on 20 February 2025 in London.
We invite researchers based in the UK and Ireland to register to participate using the following link.
The meeting has been funded by the EuroQol Research Foundation. Registration is free and we will be able to cover reasonable travel expenses. (Travel should be standard class). For people travelling from further afield (e.g. Scotland, Ireland & Northern Ireland) we should be able to support accommodation requests – please contact Louise or Andrew regarding this.
The meeting will be held at Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion St, London WC1R 4RL
Arrivals from 9.30am for a 10am start. Meeting closes at 4.30pm.
Any questions please contact
Louiselongworth@arrowhe.com or Andrew.lloyd@acasterlloyd.com
With best wishes
Louise Longworth and Andrew Lloyd
(Co-Chairs, UK and Ireland EQ-5D Researchers Meeting)