Plenary events

  • EQ-5D-Y Brazil and Children’s perceptions of HRQoL

    Caique de Melo do Espirito Santo (Universidade Cidade de São Paulo) will present his studies on the psychometric properties and values of EQ-5D-Y-3L and -5L in Brazil. Diana Khanna (Flinders University) will present on differences in perceptions of HRQoL between adults and children in Australia. After their brief presentations, they will answer questions from Nancy…

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  • EuroQol Opportunities for Network Members and other ECRs

    At this online forum, Network members and other early career researchers (ECRs) will discuss challenges in their career trajectory and the merits of EuroQol opportunities. After a brief overview by Elly Stolk (Erasmus University), various members will introduce topics, such as (1) Funding opportunities; (2) LinkedIn and Whatsapp Groups; (3) Leadership roles and activities; and…

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Last update: Feb 6, 2024