How are the self-complete, interviewer and proxy EQ-5D versions different?
EQ-5D is designed for self-completion by respondents. However, several other modes of administration are also available.
The interviewer version is convenient when respondents are unable to read or write, or when subjects are unable to come to the study site. An interviewer will read the instructions and record the responses.
Proxy EQ-5D versions are available for use when patients are mentally or physically incapable of reporting on their health-related quality of life, for instance because of severe intellectual disability or mental health problems. Two proxy versions are currently available where a caregiver who knows the patient well (for example, a parent, physician or nurse) is asked to complete EQ-5D as follows:
- EQ-5D-5L Proxy version 1: The caregiver (the proxy) is asked to rate the patient’s health-related quality of life in their (the proxy’s) opinion.
- EQ-5D-5L Proxy version 2: The caregiver (the proxy) is asked to rate how he/she (the proxy) thinks the patient would rate his/her own health-related quality of life if the patient were able to communicate it.
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EQ-5D-3L / EQ-5D-5L / EQ-5D-Y-3L / General