Archive events and Conferences

EQ-5D-5L in RCTs and in comparison with EQ-HWB

Archive event

Jiajun Yan (McMaster University) will present statistical methods for analyzing EQ-5D-5L data in randomized clinical trials. Maja Kuharic (University of…

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EQ-5D clinical dashboards and EQ-HWB DCE

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At this Student Research Webinar (60 min), Anja Yvonne Bischof (University of St. Gallen, St. Gallen, Switzerland) will present…

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Choice analysis in health valuation

Archive event

At this Student Research Webinar (60 min), Maksat Jumamyradov (University of South Florida, Tampa, USA) will present his three…

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The relative social value of child versus adult health gains: results from the QUOKKA project

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The QUOKKA project has generated new data on the relative social value of child health gains compared…

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EQ-5D-Y Singapore and TTO Distortion

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Rachel Lee-Yin Tan (National University of Singapore) will present her research on the EQ-5D-Y as a preference-based HRQoL…

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Assessing Population Health

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This Core Knowledge Panel (90 min) starts with an introduction to the assessment of population health by…

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The Validity of the EQ-5D in Clinical Practice and among Indigenous People

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Irene Salvi (University of St. Gallen) will present her research on minimal important differences (MID) of EQ-5D-3L…

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How the EuroQol Office can help you

Archive event

This Core Knowledge Panel (90 min) starts with an introduction to the EuroQol Office by Bernhard Slaap…

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EQ-5D-5L in obstructive airway disease

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Ai Ping Chua (National University of Singapore) will present the appraisal of the EQ-5D-5L in the obstructive…

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EQ-5D-Y Implementation and AHP for Bolt-ons

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Renee Jones (University of Melbourne) seeks to qualitatively understand clinician, parent and child perspectives on using the…

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Last update: Jan 27, 2024