Archived events
EQ-5D-5L in obstructive airway disease
Ai Ping Chua (National University of Singapore) will present the appraisal of the EQ-5D-5L in the obstructive airway diseases using a longer recall period and…
An introduction to causal inference and directed acyclic graphs (DAGs): why should I care?
Speaker: Dr. Peter Tennant, Associate Professor of Health Data Science, University of Leeds, England
EQ-5D-Y Brazil and Children’s perceptions of HRQoL
Caique de Melo do Espirito Santo (Universidade Cidade de São Paulo) will present his studies on the psychometric properties and values of EQ-5D-Y-3L and -5L…
Improving measurement of children’s HRQoL: results from the QUOKKA project
Speaker: Nancy Devlin, Professor Health Economics, The University of Melbourne Australia, Board Chair EuroQol Research FoundationSpeaker: Kim Dalziel, Professor Health Economics, The University of Melbourne, AustraliaSpeaker: Christine Mpundu-Kaambwa,…
EuroQol Opportunities for Network Members and other ECRs
At this online forum, Network members and other early career researchers (ECRs) will discuss challenges in their career trajectory and the merits of EuroQol opportunities….
EQ-5D-Y Implementation and AHP for Bolt-ons
Renee Jones (University of Melbourne) seeks to qualitatively understand clinician, parent and child perspectives on using the EQ-5D-Y in routine clinical care for children and…
Recall period and health fluctuations in health-related quality of life measurement
Moderator/Speaker: Dr Tessa Peasgood, Senior Lecturer in Health Economics, University of Sheffield, UK Speaker: Dr Sabina Sanghera, Senior Lecturer in Health Economics, University of Bristol, UKSpeaker: Dr Bernhard…
EQ-5D-Y Indonesia and the Drop-down Method
Titi Sahidah Fitriana (Erasmus University) will present her studies bringing EQ-5D-Y as a ready to used instrument in Indonesia. Xin Zhang (University Medical Center Groningen) will present a…
Health Valuation and the EQ-VT
This Core Knowledge Panel (90 min) starts with an introduction to health valuation by Michał Jakubczyk (SGH Warsaw School of Economics), who chairs the Valuation Working Group. After this overview, Juan…
Last update: Apr 11, 2024