Approved version

Category A: Approved version

A EuroQol instrument is classified as an Approved Version on the recommendation of the Executive Committee (hereinafter: “Exec”), a governing body of the EuroQol Group. There must be adequate evidence supporting the sufficient quality of the EuroQol instrument for this progression to take place. In most cases, the Exec will have approved funding of the scientific studies necessary for the final development of this EuroQol instrument. Once the Exec has signed off on this EuroQol instrument, it is made available to the wider public as an approved EuroQol instrument. The Foundation makes the Approved Version available to users upon registration at the EuroQol website in accordance with the applicable User License policy.

Approved Versions are listed on the Foundation’s website as available versions. These versions have been reviewed by the Version Management Committee. This EuroQol committee is responsible for the quality of the translation process of all EuroQol instruments.

Last update: Jan 9, 2024